Using Media Queries in HTML

In this HTML tutorial, we’ll explore how to use media queries directly in your HTML documents, without delving deeply into CSS. Media queries in HTML allow you to control the visibility and behavior of elements based on the user’s device or screen characteristics. For more in-depth knowledge of CSS and media queries, you can refer to our dedicated tutorial here.

Introduction to HTML Media Queries

Media queries in HTML are achieved through a simple <link> element with the media attribute. This approach is particularly useful when you want to include different stylesheets based on specific conditions.

Here’s an example of a media query in an HTML document:

In this example, two different stylesheets are included based on the screen width. If the screen width is 600 pixels or less, the “mobile-styles.css” file is used. For screens wider than 600 pixels, the “desktop-styles.css” file is applied.

Practical Use Cases

HTML media queries are typically used to adapt the layout or content of web pages. For instance:

1. Display Mobile-Optimized Content

In this example, the “mobile-styles.css” stylesheet is loaded for screens 600 pixels or less. It can include styles that make the content more suitable for smaller screens.

2. Hide Irrelevant Content

On smaller screens, the navigation menu can be made more compact and user-friendly by applying styles from the “mobile-styles.css” stylesheet.


Using media queries in your HTML documents is a practical way to adapt your content to different devices and screen sizes. While this tutorial focuses on HTML, you can enhance your skills further by diving into the world of CSS and media queries. For an in-depth guide on CSS and responsive web design, check out our dedicated tutorial here. This resource will help you master the art of responsive design and create stunning websites for various screens.