HTML Appendix

Here is an extensive list of HTML tags, with short descriptions. Please note that this list includes a wide range of HTML tags, including some less commonly used ones . Understanding these tags is the first step in creating and designing web pages.

<!DOCTYPE>Specifies the document type and version.
<html>Root element of an HTML page.
<head>Contains meta-information about the document.
<title>Sets the title of the document.
<meta>Provides metadata about the HTML document.
<link>Defines relationships between the document and external resources.
<style>Embeds or links to CSS for styling.
<script>Embeds or links to JavaScript code.
<base>Specifies a base URL for relative URLs.
<body>Contains the visible content of the document.
<h1> to <h6>Defines headings of different levels.
<p>Represents a paragraph of text.
<a>Defines a hyperlink.
<img>Embeds an image.
<div>Groups and styles block-level elements.
<span>Inline container for styling.
<ul>Creates an unordered (bulleted) list.
<ol>Creates an ordered (numbered) list.
<li>Represents a list item within <ul> or <ol>.
<dl>Defines a description list.
<dt>Defines a term in a description list.
<dd>Defines a description in a description list.
<table>Represents tabular data.
<tr>Defines a table row.
<td>Defines a table cell.
<th>Defines a table header cell.
<form>Creates a form for user input.
<input>Represents an input field within a form.
<button>Defines a clickable button.
<label>Provides a label for an <input> element.
<select>Creates a dropdown list.
<option>Defines an option in a <select> list.
<textarea>Represents a multiline text input.
<iframe>Embeds an inline frame for external content.
<audio>Embeds audio content.
<video>Embeds video content.
<canvas>Provides a drawing surface using JavaScript.
<svg>Embeds scalable vector graphics.
<footer>Defines the footer of a section or page.
<header>Represents the header of a section or page.
<nav>Defines navigation links.
<article>Represents self-contained content, like blog posts.
<section>Defines a section within a document.
<aside>Represents content related to the surrounding content.
<figure>Groups media content with a caption.
<figcaption>Provides a caption for a <figure>.
<hr>Represents a thematic break in content.
<br>Inserts a line break.
<main>Defines the main content of a document.
<mark>Highlights text with a yellow background.
<pre>Represents preformatted text.
<code>Represents computer code text.
<samp>Represents sample output from a computer program.
<kbd>Represents keyboard input.
<cite>Defines the title of a creative work.
<blockquote>Defines a block of quoted text.
<q>Defines a short inline quotation.
<abbr>Represents an abbreviation or acronym.
<acronym>Represents an acronym (deprecated).
<sub>Defines subscripted text.
<sup>Defines superscripted text.
<del>Represents deleted text.
<ins>Represents inserted text.
<s>Represents text that is no longer accurate or relevant.
<strong>Indicates strong importance or emphasis.
<em>Indicates emphasized text.
<small>Represents smaller text.
<cite>Defines the title of a creative work.
<dfn>Represents the defining instance of a term.
<time>Represents a specific period in time.
<var>Represents a variable in programming.
<bdo>Overrides the text direction.
<bdi>Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction.
<ruby>Represents Ruby annotations for East Asian typography.
<rt>Defines the pronunciation of characters presented in a Ruby annotation.
<rp>Provides fallback text for browsers that do not support Ruby annotations.
<wbr>Suggests an optional line break opportunity.
<map>Defines a client-side image map.
<area>Defines a clickable area within an image map.
<details>Defines additional details that can be toggled.
<summary>Defines a visible heading for a <details> element.
<dialog>Defines a dialog or window.
<menu>Represents a list of commands or options.
<legend>Provides a caption for a <fieldset> element.
<fieldset>Groups form controls and labels.
<optgroup>Groups related <option> elements in a <select>.
<colgroup>Groups a set of <col> elements in a table.
<col>Specifies column properties for a table column group.
<caption>Provides a title for a <table>.
<tfoot>Defines the footer content of a table.
<thead>Defines the header content of a table.
<tbody>Groups the body content in a table.
<details>Defines additional details that can be toggled open or closed.
<summary>Defines a visible heading for a <details> element.
<wbr>Suggests an optional line break opportunity.
<blockquote>Defines a block of quoted text.
<ins>Represents inserted text.
<del>Represents deleted text.
<mark>Highlights text with a yellow background.
<s>Represents text that is no longer accurate or relevant.
<bdi>Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction.
<bdo>Overrides the text direction.
<ruby>Represents Ruby annotations for East Asian typography.
<rt>Defines the pronunciation of characters presented in a Ruby annotation.
<rp>Provides fallback text for browsers that do not support Ruby annotations.
<details>Defines additional details that can be toggled.
<summary>Defines a visible heading for a <details> element.
<menu>Represents a list of commands or options.
<legend>Provides a caption for a <fieldset> element.
<fieldset>Groups form controls and labels.
<datagrid>Represents a control for tabular data.
<output>Represents the result of a calculation or user action.
<progress>Represents the completion progress of a task.
<meter>Represents a scalar measurement within a known range.
<time>Represents a specific period in time.
<mark>Highlights text with a yellow background.
<s>Represents text that is no longer accurate or relevant.
<strong>Indicates strong importance or emphasis.
<em>Indicates emphasized text.
<small>Represents smaller text.
<cite>Defines the title of a creative work.
<dfn>Represents the defining instance of a term.
<abbr>Represents an abbreviation or acronym.
<sub>Defines subscripted text.
<sup>Defines superscripted text.
<del>Represents deleted text.
<ins>Represents inserted text.
<kbd>Represents keyboard input.
<samp>Represents sample output from a computer program.
<code>Represents computer code text.
<pre>Represents preformatted text.
<q>Defines a short inline quotation.
<blockquote>Defines a block of quoted text.
<cite>Defines the title of a creative work.
<abbr>Represents an abbreviation or acronym.
<acronym>Represents an acronym (deprecated).
<sub>Defines subscripted text.
<sup>Defines superscripted text.
<del>Represents deleted text.
<ins>Represents inserted text.
<s>Represents text that is no longer accurate or relevant.
<strong>Indicates strong importance or emphasis.
<em>Indicates emphasized text.
<small>Represents smaller text.
<cite>Defines the title of a creative work.
<dfn>Represents the defining instance of a term.
<time>Represents a specific period in time.
<var>Represents a variable in programming.
<bdo>Overrides the text direction.
<bdi>Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction.
<ruby>Represents Ruby annotations for East Asian typography.
<rt>Defines the pronunciation of characters presented in a Ruby annotation.
<rp>Provides fallback text for browsers that do not support Ruby annotations.
<wbr>Suggests an optional line break opportunity.
<map>Defines a client-side image map.
<area>Defines a clickable area within an image map.
<details>Defines additional details that can be toggled.
<summary>Defines a visible heading for a <details> element.
<dialog>Defines a dialog or window.
<menu>Represents a list of commands or options.
<legend>Provides a caption for a <fieldset> element.
<fieldset>Groups form controls and labels.
<optgroup>Groups related <option> elements in a <select>.
<colgroup>Groups a set of <col> elements in a table.
<col>Specifies column properties for a table column group.
<caption>Provides a title for a <table>.
<tfoot>Defines the footer content of a table.
<thead>Defines the header content of a table.
<tbody>Groups the body content in a table.
<thead>Defines the header content of a table.
<tbody>Groups the body content in a table.
<tfoot>Defines the footer content of a table.
<colgroup>Groups a set of <col> elements in a table.
<col>Specifies column properties for a table column group.
<caption>Provides a title for a <table>.
<form>Creates a form for user input.
<input>Represents an input field within a form.
<textarea>Represents a multiline text input.
<button>Defines a clickable button.
<label>Provides a label for an <input> element.
<select>Creates a dropdown list.
<optgroup>Groups related <option> elements in a <select>.
<option>Defines an option in a <select> list.
<fieldset>Groups form controls and labels.
<legend>Provides a caption for a <fieldset> element.
<datalist>Provides a predefined list of <option> elements for an <input> element.
<output>Represents the result of a calculation or user action.
<iframe>Embeds an inline frame for external content.
<audio>Embeds audio content.
<video>Embeds video content.
<canvas>Provides a drawing surface using JavaScript.
<svg>Embeds scalable vector graphics.
<math>Embeds mathematical equations and symbols.
<object>Embeds external resources or plugins.
<applet>Embeds Java applets (deprecated).
<embed>Embeds external content or plugins.
<param>Provides parameters for <object> elements.
<noscript>Provides content for browsers with JavaScript disabled.
<area>Defines a clickable area within an image map.
<map>Defines a client-side image map.
<canvas>Provides a drawing surface using JavaScript.
<figcaption>Provides a caption for a <figure>.
<figure>Groups media content with a caption.
<abbr>Represents an abbreviation or acronym.
<mark>Highlights text with a yellow background.
<code>Represents computer code text.
<samp>Represents sample output from a computer program.
<kbd>Represents keyboard input.
<var>Represents a variable in programming.
<pre>Represents preformatted text.
<q>Defines a short inline quotation.
<blockquote>Defines a block of quoted text.
<ins>Represents inserted text.
<del>Represents deleted text.
<s>Represents text that is no longer accurate or relevant.
<strong>Indicates strong importance or emphasis.
<em>Indicates emphasized text.
<small>Represents smaller text.
<cite>Defines the title of a creative work.
<dfn>Represents the defining instance of a term.
<time>Represents a specific period in time.
<var>Represents a variable in programming.
<meter>Represents a scalar measurement within a known range.
<progress>Represents the completion progress of a task.
<section>Defines a section within a document.
<article>Represents self-contained content, like blog posts.
<aside>Represents content related to the surrounding content.
<details>Defines additional details that can be toggled open or closed.
<summary>Defines a visible heading for a <details> element.
<dialog>Defines a dialog or window.
<menu>Represents a list of commands or options.
<legend>Provides a caption for a <fieldset> element.
<fieldset>Groups form controls and labels.
<datalist>Provides a predefined list of <option> elements for an <input> element.
<output>Represents the result of a calculation or user action.
<iframe>Embeds an inline frame for external content.
<audio>Embeds audio content.
<video>Embeds video content.
<canvas>Provides a drawing surface using JavaScript.
<svg>Embeds scalable vector graphics.
<math>Embeds mathematical equations and symbols.
<object>Embeds external resources or plugins.
<applet>Embeds Java applets (deprecated).
<embed>Embeds external content or plugins.
<param>Provides parameters for <object> elements.
<noscript>Provides content for browsers with JavaScript disabled.
<nav>Defines navigation links.
<footer>Defines the footer of a section or page.
<header>Represents the header of a section or page.
<main>Defines the main content of a document.
<address>Represents contact information for the author or owner of a document.
<area>Defines a clickable area within an image map.
<map>Defines a client-side image map.
<track>Provides text tracks for <video> or <audio> elements.
<mark>Highlights text with a yellow background.
<menu>Represents a list of commands or options.
<menuitem>Defines a command or menu item within a <menu> element.
<summary>Defines a visible heading for a <details> element.
<time>Represents a specific period in time.
<wbr>Suggests an optional line break opportunity.
<bdi>Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction.
<bdo>Overrides the text direction.
<ruby>Represents Ruby annotations for East Asian typography.
<rt>Defines the pronunciation of characters presented in a Ruby annotation.
<rp>Provides fallback text for browsers that do not support Ruby annotations.
<details>Defines additional details that can be toggled.
<dialog>Defines a dialog or window.

This list includes many HTML tags, but keep in mind that HTML is continuously evolving, and new tags and features may be introduced in the future.