HTML Absolute vs. Relative URLs

In this section of our HTML tutorial, we will explore the concept of links and the crucial difference between absolute and relative URLs. Understanding these two types of URLs is essential for web development, as they determine how web pages and resources are linked together.

Introduction to Absolute and Relative URLs

Links are fundamental in web development, enabling users to navigate between web pages and resources. To create a link, you use the <a> element, but the URL you specify can be either an absolute URL or a relative URL.

  • Absolute URL: An absolute URL specifies the complete web address, including the protocol (e.g., “https://”), domain (e.g., “”), and the path to the resource (e.g., “/page.html”). Absolute URLs are used to link to external websites or resources on the internet.
  • Relative URL: A relative URL specifies the path to a resource in relation to the current page. Relative URLs are used to link to resources within the same website or directory. They are shorter and don’t include the full web address.

Basic Syntax

Here is the basic syntax for creating a link using both absolute and relative URLs with the <a> element:

Using Absolute URLs

Absolute URLs are used when you want to link to a web page or resource located on a different website or domain. The URL specifies the complete path to the resource, making it universally accessible.

Using Relative URLs

Relative URLs are used when linking to resources within the same website or directory. The URL is relative to the current page’s location. For example, to link to a page in the same directory:

You can also use relative URLs to navigate to parent directories or other directories within your website.

Code Examples

Here are examples of using both absolute and relative URLs in HTML links:

Absolute URL:

Relative URL:


Understanding the difference between absolute and relative URLs is essential for creating effective links in your web development projects. Absolute URLs are used to link to resources on different websites, while relative URLs are used to link to resources within the same website or directory. When building web pages, it’s important to choose the appropriate type of URL based on your linking needs. Absolute URLs provide complete paths to resources and work universally, while relative URLs are concise and allow for easier management of resources within your website’s structure. Mastering the use of both types of URLs will make you proficient in creating functional and user-friendly navigation on your web pages.