CSS Styling Links

Links are an essential element of web design, and CSS provides powerful tools to style them to match your website’s aesthetics. In this comprehensive CSS tutorial, we will delve into the art of styling links using pseudo-classes. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge to create visually appealing and interactive links that enhance the user experience.


Links are a fundamental part of any website, serving as bridges between different web pages and resources. To make your links stand out and provide visual feedback to users, you can use CSS pseudo-classes. Pseudo-classes are keywords that you can add to selectors to define special states of an element. They enable you to style links in various states like hover, active, and visited, ensuring that users can interact with your site effectively.

Styling Normal Links

To style regular, unvisited links, you can use the a selector along with the :link pseudo-class.

Example: Styling Normal Links

In this example, the a:link selector targets unvisited links (:link pseudo-class) and changes their color to blue while removing the default underline.

Styling Hovered Links

When a user hovers their mouse pointer over a link, you can apply specific styles using the :hover pseudo-class.

Example: Styling Hovered Links

In this case, the a:hover selector modifies the link’s color to red and underlines it when the user hovers over it.

Styling Active Links

Active links represent the current page or the page that the user is currently on. You can style them using the :active pseudo-class.

Example: Styling Active Links

Here, the a:active selector changes the text color to dark gray and makes the text bold when the link is clicked.

Styling Visited Links

To differentiate visited links from unvisited ones, you can use the :visited pseudo-class.

Example: Styling Visited Links

In this example, the a:visited selector sets the text color to purple for visited links.

By utilizing these CSS pseudo-classes, you can create engaging and user-friendly links that improve the overall navigation and visual appeal of your website. Experiment with colors, text decorations, and other styles to match your site’s design and user experience requirements.