CSS Appendix

Here is a table with CSS properties, possible values, and brief descriptions for each of them:

PropertyPossible ValuesDescription
align-contentVarious values like flex-start, center, flex-endAligns flex container content when there’s extra space on the cross-axis.
align-itemsVarious values like flex-start, center, flex-endAligns flex items on the cross-axis within a flex container.
align-selfVarious values like flex-start, center, flex-endAligns a specific flex item on the cross-axis within a flex container.
allinitial, inherit, unset, revert, display, etc.Resets all CSS properties to their default values.
animationVarious values, e.g., animation-name, animation-durationA shorthand property for animating elements in CSS.
animation-delay<time>, initial, inherit, unsetSets a delay before an animation starts.
animation-directionnormal, reverse, alternate, alternate-reverseSets the direction of an animation sequence.
animation-duration<time>, initial, inherit, unsetDefines how long an animation should take to complete.
animation-fill-modenone, forwards, backwards, both, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how styles are applied before and after animation.
animation-iteration-count<number>, infinite, initial, inherit, unsetDetermines the number of times an animation sequence should be played.
animation-name<identifier>, none, initial, inherit, unsetNames the keyframes animation to be applied to the element.
animation-play-statepaused, running, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies whether an animation is running or paused.
animation-timing-functionVarious values like ease, linear, cubic-bezier()Sets the timing function for an animation, defining the acceleration curve.
backdrop-filterVarious values like blur(), brightness(), grayscale(), etc.Applies graphical effects to the area behind an element.
backface-visibilityvisible, hidden, initial, inherit, unsetControls whether the back face of an element is visible when transformed in 3D space.
backgroundVarious properties combined like background-color, background-image, etc.A shorthand for setting background properties including color, image, position, and more.
background-attachmentscroll, fixed, local, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies whether the background image scrolls with the content.
background-blend-modeVarious values like normal, multiply, screen, overlayDefines how background layers blend together.
background-clipborder-box, padding-box, content-box, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies which parts of the background are visible within an element’s box.
background-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetSets the background color of an element.
background-imageurl('path/to/image.png'), linear-gradient(), radial-gradient(),Sets one or more background images for an element.
background-originpadding-box, border-box, content-box, initial, inherit, unsetDefines where the background image or color starts.
background-positionVarious values like top right, center, 50% 50%, etc.Specifies the starting position of the background image or color.
background-repeatrepeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeat, space, round, initial, inherit, unsetSets how the background image should be repeated.
background-sizeVarious values like cover, contain, 100% 100%, etc.Defines the size of the background image relative to the element’s box.
block-size<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the size of a block-level element in the inline direction.
borderVarious properties combined like border-width, border-style, border-colorA shorthand for setting border properties including width, style, and color.
border-blockVarious values for block-level borders like border-block-start, border-block-endA shorthand for setting block-level border properties.
border-block-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of block-level borders.
border-block-endVarious values for block-end border properties like border-block-end-width, border-block-end-styleA shorthand for specifying the style and width of the block-end border.
border-block-end-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the block-end border.
border-block-end-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of the block-end border.
border-block-end-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the block-end border.
border-block-startVarious values for block-start border properties like border-block-start-width, border-block-start-styleA shorthand for specifying the style and width of the block-start border.
border-block-start-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the block-start border.
border-block-start-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of the block-start border.
border-block-start-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the block-start border.
border-block-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of block-level borders.
border-block-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of block-level borders.
border-bottomVarious properties combined like border-bottom-width, border-bottom-style, border-bottom-colorA shorthand for setting bottom border properties.
border-bottom-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the bottom border.
border-bottom-left-radius<length>, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the radius of the bottom-left corner of an element.
border-bottom-right-radius<length>, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the radius of the bottom-right corner of an element.
border-bottom-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of the bottom border.
border-bottom-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the bottom border.
border-collapsecollapse, separate, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies whether table borders should be collapsed into a single border.
border-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetA shorthand for setting the color of all four borders.
border-end-end-radius<length>, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the radius of the end-end corner of an element.
border-end-start-radius<length>, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the radius of the end-start corner of an element.
border-image<image-source>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies an image to use for borders instead of the standard border styles.
border-image-outset<length>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the distance between the border image and the border box.
border-image-repeatstretch, repeat, round, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how the border image is repeated.
border-image-slice<number>, fill, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the inward offsets of the image border.
border-image-sourcenone, <image-source>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the source image for the border image.
border-image-width<length>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the border image.
border-inlineVarious values for inline borders like border-inline-start, border-inline-endA shorthand for setting inline border properties.
border-inline-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of inline borders.
border-inline-endVarious values for inline-end border properties like border-inline-end-width, border-inline-end-styleA shorthand for specifying the style and width of the inline-end border.
border-inline-end-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the inline-end border.
border-inline-end-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of the inline-end border.
border-inline-end-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the inline-end border.
border-inline-startVarious values for inline-start border properties like border-inline-start-width, border-inline-start-styleA shorthand for specifying the style and width of the inline-start border.
border-inline-start-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the inline-start border.
border-inline-start-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of the inline-start border.
border-inline-start-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the inline-start border.
border-inline-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of inline borders.
border-inline-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of inline borders.
border-leftVarious properties combined like border-left-width, border-left-style, border-left-colorA shorthand for setting left border properties.
border-left-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the left border.
border-left-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of the left border.
border-left-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the left border.
border-radiusOne to four values like 5px, 10px 20px, initial, inherit, unsetDefines rounded corners for an element.
border-rightVarious properties combined like border-right-width, border-right-style, border-right-colorA shorthand for setting right border properties.
border-right-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the right border.
border-right-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of the right border.
border-right-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the right border.
border-spacing<length> <length>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the distance between adjacent borders of table elements.
border-start-end-radius<length>, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the radius of the start-end corner of an element.
border-start-start-radius<length>, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the radius of the start-start corner of an element.
border-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of all four borders.
border-topVarious properties combined like border-top-width, border-top-style, border-top-colorA shorthand for setting top border properties.
border-top-colorColor values, transparent, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the top border.
border-top-left-radius<length>, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the radius of the top-left corner of an element.
border-top-right-radius<length>, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the radius of the top-right corner of an element.
border-top-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of the top border.
border-top-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the top border.
border-widthOne to four values like 5px, 10px 20px, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of all four borders.
bottom<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the distance between the bottom edge of the positioned element and the bottom edge of its containing element.
box-decoration-breakslice, clone, initial, inherit, unsetControls the rendering of the box-decoration properties.
box-shadow<length> <length> <length> <length> <color>, inset, initial, inherit, unsetAdds shadow effects to an element’s box.
box-sizingcontent-box, border-box, initial, inherit, unsetDefines how an element’s total width and height are calculated, including padding and borders.
caption-sidetop, bottom, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies where a table caption should be displayed.
caret-colorColor values, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the caret (cursor) in an input element.
clearnone, left, right, both, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies on which sides of an element floating elements should not be allowed.
clipauto, rect(top, right, bottom, left), initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies what portion of an element is visible.
clip-pathVarious values like url(#path), inset(<length>), circle(<length>), initial, inherit, unsetClips an element to a basic shape, a path, or an SVG element.
colorColor values, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the text content.
column-count<integer>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the number of columns an element should be divided into.
column-fillauto, balance, initial, inherit, unsetControls how content is distributed between columns when the column height is less than the specified column count.
column-gap<length>, normal, initial, inherit, unsetSets the space between columns in a multi-column layout.
column-ruleVarious properties combined like column-rule-width, column-rule-style, column-rule-colorA shorthand for setting the width, style, and color of the rule between columns.
column-rule-colorColor values, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the rule between columns.
column-rule-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the style of the rule between columns.
column-rule-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the rule between columns.
column-spannone, all, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies whether an element should span multiple columns.
column-width<length>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the width of columns in a multi-column layout.
columns<length> <length>, auto auto, initial, inherit, unsetA shorthand for setting the width and count of columns in a multi-column layout.
contentnormal, none, counter, attr(), open-quote, close-quote, no-open-quote, no-close-quote, url('path'), initial, inherit, unsetInserts generated content before or after an element’s content.
counter-increment<identifier> <integer>, none, initial, inherit, unsetIncrements one or more counters defined with the counter-reset property.
counter-reset<identifier> <integer>, none, initial, inherit, unsetResets one or more counters.
cursorVarious values like pointer, text, url('cursor.png'), etc.Specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when hovering over an element.
directionltr, rtl, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the text direction, either left-to-right or right-to-left.
displayVarious values like block, inline, flex, grid, none, etc.Defines how an element should be displayed in the document.
empty-cellsshow, hide, initial, inherit, unsetControls whether empty table cells should be displayed or hidden.
filterVarious values like blur(), brightness(), grayscale(), etc.Applies graphical effects to an element’s rendering.
flex<integer>, <number>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetA shorthand for specifying the size of a flexible item.
flex-basis<length>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the initial main size of a flexible item.
flex-directionrow, row-reverse, column, column-reverse, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the direction in which flexible items are laid out.
flex-flowflex-direction and flex-wrap values like row wrap, column-reverse nowrap, etc.A shorthand for setting the direction and wrap properties of flexible items.
flex-grow<number>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how much a flexible item should grow relative to the rest.
flex-shrink<number>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how much a flexible item should shrink relative to the rest.
flex-wrapnowrap, wrap, wrap-reverse, initial, inherit, unsetDetermines whether flexible items should wrap when they exceed the container’s width.
floatleft, right, none, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how an element should float in relation to its containing element.
fontVarious properties combined like font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-style, line-height, etc.A shorthand for setting font-related properties.
font-family<font-family>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the font family for text content.
font-feature-settingsnormal, <feature-value>, initial, inherit, unsetControls advanced typographic features in OpenType fonts.
font-kerningauto, normal, none, initial, inherit, unsetDefines how the font handles kerning.
font-size<length>, <percentage>, small, medium, large, larger, smaller, initial, inherit, unsetSets the font size for text content.
font-size-adjust<number>, none, initial, inherit, unsetControls the adjustment of font size in case the requested font is unavailable.
font-stretchnormal, ultra-condensed, extra-condensed, condensed, semi-condensed, semi-expanded, expanded, extra-expanded, ultra-expanded, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the font width or stretch.
font-stylenormal, italic, oblique, initial, inherit, unsetSets the style (normal, italic, or oblique) of text.
font-variantnormal, small-caps, initial, inherit, unsetDefines whether text should be displayed in small capitals.
font-variant-capsnormal, small-caps, all-small-caps, petite-caps, all-petite-caps, unicase, titling-caps, initial, inherit, unsetControls the usage of uppercase and lowercase characters.
font-variant-east-asiannormal, ruby, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how East Asian characters are displayed in text content.
font-variant-ligaturesnormal, none, common-ligatures, no-common-ligatures, discretionary-ligatures, no-discretionary-ligatures, historical-ligatures, no-historical-ligatures, initial, inherit, unsetEnables or disables various font ligatures.
font-variant-numericnormal, lining-nums, oldstyle-nums, ordinal, slashed-zero, lining-nums-proportional, oldstyle-nums-proportional, ordinal-proportional, slashed-zero-proportional, tabular-nums, oldstyle-nums, proportional-nums, ordinal-nums, slashed-zero-nums, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how numbers are displayed in text content.
font-variant-positionnormal, sub, super, initial, inherit, unsetSets the vertical position of text within a line (subscripts, superscripts).
font-weightnormal, bold, bolder, lighter, 100 to 900, initial, inherit, unsetSets the weight (thickness) of the font.
gapnormal, <length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetA shorthand for setting the grid row and column gaps.
gridVarious values like 1fr 1fr / 2fr 1fr, auto auto auto / auto auto, etc.A shorthand for defining grid rows, columns, and areas.
grid-area<row-start> / <column-start> / <row-end> / <column-end>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the size of a grid item and its placement within the grid.
grid-auto-columns<length>, auto, min-content, max-content, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the size of columns not explicitly sized in the grid.
grid-auto-flowrow, column, dense, initial, inherit, unsetControls how auto-placed items are positioned in the grid.
grid-auto-rows<length>, auto, min-content, max-content, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the size of rows not explicitly sized in the grid.
grid-column<start-line> / <end-line>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies a grid item’s start and end positions within a grid row.
grid-column-end<end-line>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the end position of a grid item within a grid row.
grid-column-gap<length>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the gap between grid columns.
grid-column-start<start-line>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the start position of a grid item within a grid row.
grid-gap<row-gap> <column-gap>, initial, inherit, unsetA shorthand for setting the grid row and column gaps.
grid-row<start-line> / <end-line>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies a grid item’s start and end positions within a grid row.
grid-row-end<end-line>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the end position of a grid item within a grid row.
grid-row-gap<length>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the gap between grid rows.
grid-row-start<start-line>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the start position of a grid item within a grid row.
grid-templatenone, subgrid, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how grid items are placed in rows and columns.
grid-template-areasVarious values like "header header header" "main main sidebar" "footer footer footer", initial, inherit, unsetDefines named grid areas for items in a grid container.
grid-template-columnsVarious values like 1fr 2fr 1fr, repeat(3, 1fr), auto auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the size of columns in a grid container.
grid-template-rowsVarious values like 1fr 2fr 1fr, repeat(3, 1fr), auto auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the size of rows in a grid container.
hanging-punctuationnone, first, last, force-end, allow-end, initial, inherit, unsetControls the use of punctuation character hanging in the margin.
height<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the height of an element.
hyphensmanual, auto, none, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how words should be hyphenated in text content.
image-orientationangle, from-image, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the orientation of an image, overriding its EXIF data.
image-renderingauto, crisp-edges, pixelated, initial, inherit, unsetControls the quality of the rendered image.
initial-letter<integer>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the number of lines that the initial letter should span.
inline-size<length>, max-content, min-content, fit-content, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of an element in a horizontal writing mode (opposite of block-size).
inset<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetA shorthand for specifying the inset properties of an element.
inset-block<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the top and bottom margins of an element in its container.
inset-block-end<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the bottom margin of an element in its container.
inset-block-start<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the top margin of an element in its container.
inset-inline<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the left and right margins of an element in its container.
inset-inline-end<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the right margin of an element in its container.
inset-inline-start<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the left margin of an element in its container.
justify-contentflex-start, flex-end, center, space-between, space-around, space-evenly, initial, inherit, unsetAligns the flexible container’s content along the main-axis.
justify-itemsauto, normal, stretch, center, start, end, flex-start, flex-end, self-start, self-end, left, right, baseline, first baseline, last baseline, safe center, unsafe center, legacy right, legacy left, legacy center, initial, inherit, unsetAligns grid items inside their grid area along the inline (row) axis.
justify-selfauto, normal, stretch, center, start, end, flex-start, flex-end, self-start, self-end, left, right, baseline, first baseline, last baseline, safe center, unsafe center, legacy right, legacy left, legacy center, initial, inherit, unsetAligns a grid item inside its grid area along the inline (row) axis.
left<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the distance between the left edge of the positioned element and the left edge of its containing element.
letter-spacing<length>, normal, initial, inherit, unsetSets the spacing between characters in text content.
line-breakauto, loose, normal, strict, anywhere, initial, inherit, unsetControls the treatment of line breaks within text content.
line-height<number>, <length>, <percentage>, normal, initial, inherit, unsetSets the space between lines in text content.
list-styleVarious properties combined like list-style-type, list-style-position, list-style-imageA shorthand for setting list-related properties.
list-style-imagenone, url('image.png'), initial, inherit, unsetSets an image as the list item marker.
list-style-positioninside, outside, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies whether the list item marker should be inside or outside the list item box.
list-style-typeVarious values like disc, decimal, upper-roman, lower-alpha, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the type of marker (bullet, number, etc.) for list items.
margin<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the margin on all sides of an element.
margin-block<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the top and bottom margins of an element.
margin-block-end<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the bottom margin of an element.
margin-block-start<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the top margin of an element.
margin-bottom<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the bottom margin of an element.
margin-inline<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the left and right margins of an element.
margin-inline-end<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the right margin of an element.
margin-inline-start<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the left margin of an element.
margin-left<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the left margin of an element.
margin-right<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the right margin of an element.
margin-top<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the top margin of an element.
maskVarious values like url('mask.png'), linear-gradient(), radial-gradient(), none, initial, inherit, unsetClips an element to a mask image or a gradient.
mask-clipborder-box, padding-box, content-box, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the area of an element that should be visible inside a mask.
mask-compositeadd, exclude, intersect, subtract, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how the mask image and the element’s background should be combined.
mask-imageVarious values like url('mask.png'), linear-gradient(), radial-gradient(), none, initial, inherit, unsetSets the image or gradient used as a mask for an element.
mask-modealpha, luminance, initial, inherit, unsetDefines how the mask image is used to create the mask.
mask-originborder-box, padding-box, content-box, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies where the mask positioning area is calculated from.
mask-position<length> <length>, <percentage> <percentage>, left, center, right, top, bottom, initial, inherit, unsetSets the position of the mask image.
mask-repeatrepeat, space, round, no-repeat, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how the mask image should repeat.
mask-size<length> <length>, <percentage> <percentage>, auto, cover, contain, initial, inherit, unsetSets the size of the mask image.
mask-typealpha, luminance, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the type of mask (whether the mask is based on alpha or luminance values).
max-block-size<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the maximum block size for an element.
max-height<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the maximum height for an element.
max-inline-size<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the maximum inline size for an element.
max-width<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the maximum width for an element.
min-block-size<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the minimum block size for an element.
min-height<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the minimum height for an element.
min-inline-size<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the minimum inline size for an element.
min-width<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the minimum width for an element.
mix-blend-modenormal, multiply, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, color-dodge, color-burn, hard-light, soft-light, difference, exclusion, hue, saturation, color, luminosity, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how an element’s content should blend with the content behind it.
object-fitfill, contain, cover, none, scale-down, initial, inherit, unsetDefines how an element’s content should be resized to fit its container.
object-position<length> <length>, <percentage> <percentage>, left, center, right, top, bottom, initial, inherit, unsetSets the position of an element’s content within its container.
offsetauto, initial, inherit, unsetA shorthand property for setting offset properties like offset-anchor, offset-distance, offset-path, and offset-rotate.
offset-anchornone, auto, <position>, <path>Specifies the anchor point for positioning an element.
offset-blockauto, <length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the offset relative to the element’s containing block on the block-axis.
offset-block-endauto, <length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the offset relative to the end edge of the containing block on the block-axis.
offset-block-startauto, <length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the offset relative to the start edge of the containing block on the block-axis.
offset-inlineauto, <length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the offset relative to the element’s containing block on the inline-axis.
offset-inline-endauto, <length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the offset relative to the end edge of the containing block on the inline-axis.
offset-inline-startauto, <length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the offset relative to the start edge of the containing block on the inline-axis.
offset-distanceauto, <length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the offset distance between the element and its anchor point.
offset-pathnone, initial, inherit, unset, <path>Specifies a path that an element should follow as it is positioned.
offset-rotateauto, auto 0deg, <angle> auto, reverse(auto) auto, reverse(0deg) auto, auto reverse(auto), auto reverse(0deg), <angle> reverse(auto) auto, <angle> reverse(0deg) auto, reverse(auto) reverse(auto), reverse(0deg) reverse(auto), reverse(auto) reverse(0deg), reverse(0deg) reverse(0deg), auto auto reverse(auto), auto auto reverse(0deg), <angle> auto reverse(auto), <angle> auto reverse(0deg), auto reverse(auto) reverse(auto), auto reverse(0deg) reverse(auto), auto reverse(auto) reverse(0deg), auto reverse(0deg) reverse(0deg), <angle> reverse(auto) reverse(auto), <angle> reverse(0deg) reverse(auto), <angle> reverse(auto) reverse(0deg), <angle> reverse(0deg) reverse(0deg)Defines the rotation angle of an element as it follows a path.
opacity<number>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the opacity level of an element.
order<integer>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the order in which a flex item is displayed inside its container.
orphans<integer>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the minimum number of lines in a block container that must be shown at the bottom of a page.
outlineVarious properties combined like outline-color, outline-offset, outline-style, outline-widthA shorthand for setting outline-related properties.
outline-color<color>, invert, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the outline around an element.
outline-offset<length>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the space between an outline and the border of an element.
outline-stylenone, hidden, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset, initial, inherit, unsetSets the style of the outline around an element.
outline-width<length>, thin, medium, thick, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the outline around an element.
overflowvisible, hidden, scroll, auto, initial, inherit, unsetDetermines how an element should behave if its content overflows its box.
overflow-blockvisible, hidden, scroll, auto, initial, inherit, unsetDefines how to control overflow in the block axis.
overflow-inlinevisible, hidden, scroll, auto, initial, inherit, unsetDefines how to control overflow in the inline axis.
overflow-wrapnormal, break-word, anywhere, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies whether or not words can be broken within text content.
overflow-xvisible, hidden, scroll, auto, initial, inherit, unsetDetermines how an element should behave if its content overflows its box horizontally.
overflow-yvisible, hidden, scroll, auto, initial, inherit, unsetDetermines how an element should behave if its content overflows its box vertically.
padding<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the padding on all sides of an element.
padding-block<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the top and bottom padding of an element.
padding-block-end<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the bottom padding of an element.
padding-block-start<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the top padding of an element.
padding-bottom<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the bottom padding of an element.
padding-inline<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the left and right padding of an element.
padding-inline-end<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the right padding of an element.
padding-inline-start<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the left padding of an element.
padding-left<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the left padding of an element.
padding-right<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the right padding of an element.
padding-top<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the top padding of an element.
page-break-afterauto, always, avoid, left, right, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the page break behavior after an element.
page-break-beforeauto, always, avoid, left, right, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the page break behavior before an element.
page-break-insideauto, avoid, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the page break behavior inside an element.
paint-orderfill, stroke, markers, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the order in which the fill, stroke, and markers should be painted.
perspective<length>, none, initial, inherit, unsetSets the depth of the perspective for 3D transformations.
perspective-originleft, center, right, top, bottom, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the origin point for the perspective property.
place-contentcenter start, normal stretch, space-evenly start, end safe end, start legacy center, stretch space-evenly, inherit, unsetA shorthand property for aligning an element’s content on both the block and inline axes.
place-itemsnormal start, center, start safe start, stretch, end end, legacy stretch, start, end legacy center, inherit, unsetA shorthand property for aligning an element’s items on both the block and inline axes.
place-selfnormal start, center, start safe start, stretch, end end, legacy stretch, start, end legacy center, inherit, unsetA shorthand property for aligning an element itself on both the block and inline axes.
pointer-eventsauto, none, visiblePainted, visibleFill, visibleStroke, visible, painted, fill, stroke, all, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies whether an element can be the target for pointer events.
positionstatic, relative, absolute, fixed, sticky, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the type of positioning for an element.
quotes<string>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the quotation marks for use with the content property.
resizenone, both, horizontal, vertical, block, inline, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies whether an element can be resized by the user.
right<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the distance between the right edge of the positioned element and the right edge of its containing element.
rotate<angle>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the rotation angle of an element.
row-gap<length>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the gap between grid rows.
scalenone, scale(<number>, <number>), initial, inherit, unsetApplies a 2D scaling transformation to an element.
scroll-behaviorauto, smooth, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the scrolling behavior for an element.
scroll-snap-alignnone, start, end, center, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how an element should be aligned with its snap container.
scroll-snap-stopnormal, always, initial, inherit, unsetControls the behavior of scrolling for snap points.
scroll-snap-typenone, mandatory, proximity, initial, inherit, unsetSets the scroll-snap behavior for an element.
scrollbar-colorauto, <color> <color>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the colors for scrollbar thumbs and tracks.
scrollbar-widthauto, thin, none, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the width of scrollbar thumbs.
shape-image-threshold<number>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the alpha threshold used to determine the shape of an element.
shape-margin<length>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the margin applied to an element’s shape.
shape-outsidenone, margin-box, border-box, padding-box, content-box, url('image.png'), initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies a shape to wrap around an element.
size<length>, <percentage>, auto, portrait, landscape, a3, a4, letter, legal, ledger, tabloid, initial, inherit, unsetSets the size of an element for printing.
speaknormal, none, spell-out, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies whether an element should be spoken by a screen reader.
srcurl('image.png'), initial, inherit, unsetSets the source of an element, typically used with the content property.
stop-color<color>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the color of a gradient stop.
stop-opacity<number>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the opacity of a gradient stop.
stroke<color>, none, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the stroke (outline) for an element.
stroke-dasharraynone, <length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the pattern of dashes and gaps in a stroke.
stroke-dashoffset<length>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the distance into the dash pattern to start the stroke.
stroke-linecapbutt, round, square, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the shape used to cap the ends of lines in a stroke.
stroke-linejoinmiter, round, bevel, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the shape used to join the ends of lines in a stroke.
stroke-miterlimit<number>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke width.
stroke-opacity<number>, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the opacity of a stroke.
stroke-width<length>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of the stroke (outline) for an element.
tab-size<number>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of tab characters in an element.
table-layoutauto, fixed, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the algorithm for computing table widths.
text-alignleft, right, center, justify, start, end, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the horizontal alignment of text content.
text-align-lastauto, start, end, left, right, center, justify, initial, inherit, unsetSets the alignment of the last line of text within an element.
text-combine-uprightnone, all, digits, initial, inherit, unsetDetermines how upright or sideways text is combined in a line.
text-decorationnone, underline, overline, line-through, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the decoration added to text content.
text-decoration-color<color>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the color of the text decoration lines.
text-decoration-linenone, underline, overline, line-through, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies which text decoration lines are used.
text-decoration-stylesolid, double, dotted, dashed, wavy, initial, inherit, unsetSets the style of the text decoration lines.
text-indent<length>, <percentage>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the indentation of the first line in a text block.
text-justifyauto, inter-character, inter-word, none, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the justification method for text.
text-orientationmixed, upright, sideways, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the orientation of text within an element.
text-overflowclip, ellipsis, <string>, initial, inherit, unsetSets what should happen when text overflows the containing element.
text-renderingauto, optimizeSpeed, optimizeLegibility, geometricPrecision, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies how to render text for maximum legibility or speed.
text-shadow<length> <length> <length> <color>, none, initial, inherit, unsetAdds a shadow to text content.
text-transformnone, capitalize, uppercase, lowercase, initial, inherit, unsetControls the capitalization of text.
text-underline-offset<length>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSets the offset of the underline for an element.
text-underline-positionauto, under, left, right, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the position of the underline in text.
top<length>, <percentage>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetDefines the distance between the top edge of the positioned element and the top edge of its containing element.
transformnone, matrix(), matrix3d(), translate(), translate3d(), translateX(), translateY(), translateZ(), scale(), scale3d(), scaleX(), scaleY(), scaleZ(), rotate(), rotate3d(), rotateX(), rotateY(), rotateZ(), skew(), skewX(), skewY(), initial, inherit, unsetApplies a transformation to an element, enabling 2D and 3D transformations.
transform-boxborder-box, fill-box, view-box, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the layout box in which a 3D element is laid out.
transform-origin<length> <length>, <percentage> <percentage>, left, center, right, top, bottom, initial, inherit, unsetSets the origin for transformations of an element.
transform-styleflat, preserve-3d, initial, inherit, unsetDetermines if 3D transformations should be flattened or preserved.
transitionA list of properties to transition, their duration, timing function, and delayA shorthand property for specifying transitions on an element.
transition-delay<time>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the delay before a transition effect starts.
transition-duration<time>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the duration over which a transition effect occurs.
transition-propertyA list of properties to transition, or all, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the name of the CSS property to apply the transition to.
transition-timing-functionease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, cubic-bezier(), initial, inherit, unsetSets the timing function for a transition effect.
translatetranslate(), translateX(), translateY(), translate3d(), initial, inherit, unsetApplies a translation transformation to an element.
unicode-bidinormal, embed, isolate, bidi-override, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the level of embedding and direction of text within an element.
user-selecttext, none, auto, contain, all, initial, inherit, unsetControls the ability to select text within an element.
vertical-alignbaseline, middle, sub, super, text-top, text-bottom, top, bottom, <percentage>, <length>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the vertical alignment of an inline element.
visibilityvisible, hidden, collapse, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies whether an element should be visible or hidden.
white-spacenormal, nowrap, pre, pre-line, pre-wrap, initial, inherit, unsetDetermines how white space is handled within an element.
widows<integer>, initial, inherit, unsetSets the minimum number of lines in a block container that must be shown at the top of a page.
width<length>, <percentage>, auto, fit-content, max-content, min-content, initial, inherit, unsetSets the width of an element.
will-changeA list of properties that will be changed, or auto, scroll-position, contents, initial, inherit, unsetHints to the browser that an element will be animated and may need to be optimized for it.
z-index<integer>, auto, initial, inherit, unsetSpecifies the stack order of an element.