CSS Shapes

CSS shapes provide a powerful way to break free from traditional rectangular layouts, allowing you to create unique and visually appealing designs. In this tutorial, we’ll explore various CSS shape techniques, provide numerous code examples, offer practical exercises, discuss browser compatibility, and conclude with a summary of what you’ve learned.

Basic CSS Shape Properties

Several CSS properties and techniques are used for shaping layouts, including:

  • shape-outside: Specifies the shape that an element should take. It can be applied to images, text, or other elements.
  • clip-path: Defines a clipping region for an element, allowing you to create shapes like circles, polygons, or custom paths.
  • shape-margin: Specifies the margin outside the shape-defined area, allowing for better control over layout.
  • float: Used in combination with shapes to create text wrapping effects around an element.

Shaping Text Around an Image

You can use CSS to shape text around an image, creating visually appealing layouts. Here’s an example of text wrapping around a circular image:

Creating Custom Shapes with clip-path

The clip-path property enables the creation of custom shapes for elements. Here’s how to create a triangular shape:

Adding Margins to Shapes

The shape-margin property allows you to specify the margin outside the shape-defined area. This is particularly useful when working with complex shapes:

More Code Examples

Text Wrapping Around an Image

Creating a Circular Container


Let’s reinforce your learning with some exercises:

Exercise 1: Image Text Wrapping

Design a layout where text wraps around an image using the shape-outside and float properties. Experiment with different image shapes.

Exercise 2: Custom-Shaped Container

Create a container with a custom shape using the clip-path property. Try different shapes and observe how the layout changes.

Browser Compatibility

CSS shape properties are supported by modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera. However, some older browsers may not fully support these properties. Test your designs in various browsers to ensure a consistent experience.


CSS shapes offer a creative way to design non-rectangular layouts, flow text around images, and create visually appealing designs. Whether you’re designing magazine-style articles, blog posts, or interactive web pages, CSS shapes provide a unique toolset. By mastering CSS shapes and practicing with the provided exercises, you can elevate your web design skills and create engaging layouts that capture your audience’s attention.