Environment vs Global Variables

Postman, the popular API testing and development tool, offers a range of features to streamline your workflow. Two key components, environment and global variables, play a significant role in enhancing the flexibility and reusability of your requests and scripts. In this guide, we will explore the distinction between environment and global variables in Postman.

Environment Variables

What Are Environment Variables?

Environment variables in Postman are a type of variable that are specific to a defined environment. An environment is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key represents a variable, and the associated value can change depending on the selected environment.

Use Cases for Environment Variables

Environment variables are ideal for managing variables that differ between different stages of your application, such as development, testing, and production. They allow you to switch between environments seamlessly, adapting variables like API endpoints, authentication tokens, and database connections.

Global Variables

What Are Global Variables?

Global variables, on the other hand, are accessible across all collections, requests, and environments in Postman. These variables are, as the name suggests, truly global and remain consistent throughout your entire workspace.

Use Cases for Global Variables

Global variables are best suited for storing data that doesn’t change regardless of the environment. For instance, you can use global variables for constants like the base URL of your API or common authentication tokens that remain the same no matter where you’re testing or developing.

Key Distinctions

  1. Scope: The primary distinction lies in their scope. Environment variables are confined to a specific environment, and their values can change depending on the selected environment. In contrast, global variables are available universally, making them consistent across all environments.
  2. Reusability: Environment variables allow you to reuse variable names across different environments. This is useful for variables that have the same name but different values in various environments. Global variables, on the other hand, are always the same, promoting consistency.
  3. Dynamic Behavior: Environment variables enable dynamic behavior based on the chosen environment, adapting to different configurations. Global variables maintain a constant value, ensuring stability in your workspace.

Use Cases for Each Variable Type

  • Environment Variables: Use environment variables when you need to adapt your requests and scripts to varying conditions across different environments, such as development, testing, and production.
  • Global Variables: Utilize global variables when you have constants or values that remain consistent across all your collections and environments, ensuring uniformity.


In Postman, understanding the distinction between environment and global variables is essential for efficient API testing and development. Environment variables provide adaptability and context-awareness, enabling you to work seamlessly in different environments. Global variables, on the other hand, ensure stability and consistency across your workspace.

By using these variables appropriately, you can enhance the flexibility and reusability of your requests and scripts, streamlining your API testing and development processes.