Setting Start and End Dates with Date Range Selection using Flatpickr in Ruby on Rails

To assign a start and end date from a range using Flatpickr in a Ruby on Rails application, you’ll need to set up Flatpickr with two date inputs: one for the start date and another for the end date. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Install and Set Up Flatpickr: If you haven’t already, include Flatpickr in your Rails project. You can do this by adding it to your Gemfile and running bundle install. Then, add the Flatpickr CSS and JavaScript files to your asset pipeline or include them from a CDN in your layout file.
  2. Create Date Input Fields: In your Rails view (e.g., a form or a partial), create two date input fields using Rails date_field or text_field form helpers. For example:
  1. Initialize Flatpickr with Date Range: In your JavaScript file (e.g., application.js or a specific JavaScript file for the view), initialize Flatpickr for both input fields, specifying a date range. For example:

In this example, when you select a date in the “start_date” input, it sets the minimum date for the “end_date” input to ensure that the end date is after the start date. Adjust the date format and options according to your needs.

  1. Save the Data in Your Controller: In your Rails controller, you can save the start and end dates as usual when the form is submitted.

Now, when you use this form, you’ll have two date inputs that are synchronized using Flatpickr, ensuring that the end date is always after the start date in your Ruby on Rails application.