How to implement dropdown with dynamic levels in Angular?

To implement a dropdown with dynamic levels (nested dropdowns) in Angular, you can use Angular’s template-driven or reactive forms along with Angular’s component structure. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create such a dropdown:

  1. Set Up Your Angular Project:
    If you haven’t already, create a new Angular project using the Angular CLI:
  1. Create a Component:
    Generate a new Angular component for your dynamic dropdown:
  1. Define the Data Structure:
    Decide on the data structure that will represent the levels of your dropdown. For this example, let’s assume you have a list of categories, each with a name and an optional nested list of subcategories.
  2. Create the HTML Template:
    In your component’s HTML file (dynamic-dropdown.component.html), create the dropdown structure using Angular’s template syntax. You’ll use *ngFor to loop through the levels of the dropdown.
  1. Create the Component Logic:
    In your component file (dynamic-dropdown.component.ts), define the data structure for categories and subcategories and initialize the selected category. You can also add a function to handle changes in the selected category.
  1. Add FormsModule:
    Ensure that you’ve imported and added the FormsModule from @angular/forms to your app.module.ts:
  1. Include the Component:
    Finally, include your app-dynamic-dropdown component in your application’s HTML file (e.g., app.component.html) to render the dynamic dropdown.
  1. Styling and Further Customization:
    You can style your dropdown and add more features as needed based on your application requirements.

With these steps, you’ll have a dynamic dropdown with multiple levels in your Angular application. The example provided assumes a simple data structure, but you can adapt it to more complex scenarios with additional levels or data sources.